205 Open Daily games
2 Open Realtime games
Date Time Game Name Board Name Players Result Delta Score
27-Apr-2010 12:21 zOMbiEs1 Infection 9 Loss 8 944
05-Apr-2010 12:44 FFA Maze The Maze 6 Loss 16 952
05-Mar-2010 18:45 The art of war Europe 1560 4 Loss 18 968
03-Mar-2010 17:36 Storm Front GearStorm 4 Loss 14 986
03-Feb-2010 12:12 Europe 1560 Europe 1560 4 Loss 19 1000
19-Jan-2010 06:14 Six Way Action Europe 1560 6 Loss 15 1019
17-Jan-2010 01:17 War Europe 1560 5 Loss 13 1034
05-Jan-2010 21:42 USA Domination Battle USA 3 Win 47 1047
Initial Score1000
High score: 1047 / Low score: 944 / Longest Win Streak: 1